Same day delivery *
Same day delivery applies to orders ordered:
Weekend weekday before 15.00
Saturdays before 12.00
Sundays - flowers are not delivered except during holidays
This applies to all our delivery areas, Malmö, Lund, Lomma, Svedala, Vellinge, Oxie, Bara and Arlöv.
The delivery of flowers takes place sometime between 09.00-20.00 or during holidays between 08.00-22.00. It is not possible to choose delivery time, if you want a certain time, it is good to buy for express shipping and specify when the flowers are to be delivered, valid between 10.00-18.00. Please indicate if it is a company the flowers are to and the company name, then delivery will take place before 16.00.
If the recipient is not home, we will leave the flowers outside the door, if you want the recipient to be home when we get there, please contact them yourself and warn that the flowers will arrive during the day :)